Dobra is a sound post-production studio for audiovisual projects. We operate in all stages of sound post, providing customized solutions for each project.
Ernesto Sena
Ernesto has a degree in Music & Technology and has worked with sound post-production since 2012, where he started his career at the ARPX studio. In 2016 he won the award for best sound editing at the Cine-PE festival, for the feature ‘Danado de Bom’. His works have been exhibited at various festivals around the world and on platforms such as Amazon
Guilherme Farkas
Guilherme holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Cinema from UFF (Brazil). Completed an intensive master’s program in film sound post-production at ECAM (Spain). Was selected for Berlinale Talents and Buenos Aires Talents. In 2018, received an award for Best Sound Design for ‘Inconfissões’ at the International Biennial of Sound Cinema (BIS-Brazil).